Homemade Bird Feeder Instructions
Here is a tasty bird snack for those who love bird watching or just want to make new bird friends!
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Resting Time: 15 minutes, overnight
What You Need:
- A Tablespoon
- Gelatine
- Birdseed
- Dried Fruit (if desired)
- Drinking Straw (cut in three)
- String
- Shape moulds of your choice (silicone moulds works best)
- Mixing Bowl
- Water Jug
1Sprinkle 4-5 tbs gelatine into ½ cup of cold water. Let it sit for a few minutes until the water absorbs the gelatine.
Add 1¾ cups of boiled water to the mixture, mix and stir well until it has completely dissolved.
Stir in 4 cups of birdseed to the mixture. Allow the mixture to sit for approximately 15 mins and cool so the gelatine mixture thickens and coats all the birdseed.
Once the birdseed mixture has cooled and thickened, pour the mixture into shape moulds of your choice (works best with small moulds). Press the mixture down firmly & evenly. 
Push the short straw through the shape to create a hole – this is so you’ll be able to put the string through later. Add pieces of dried fruit by pressing them down into the mixture if desired.
Leave to harden overnight in a cool, dark area. Next day, gently remove the mould and the straw from the bird feeder mixture.